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Open layers
Open some shapes
# Main path myPath = r'C:\\Users\\Georges\\Downloads\\' project = QgsProject.instance() project.removeAllMapLayers() project.clear() iface.mapCanvas().refresh() # Path of layers peaks = QgsVectorLayer(myPath + 'peaks_selection/peaks_selection.shp', 'Sommets', 'ogr') glaciers = QgsVectorLayer(myPath + 'glaciers/glaciers.shp', 'Glaciers', 'ogr') eau = QgsVectorLayer(myPath + 'eau/eau.shp', 'Fleuves', 'ogr') troncons_routes = QgsVectorLayer(myPath + 'troncons_routes/troncons_routes.shp', 'Grandes routes', 'ogr') iris = QgsVectorLayer(myPath + 'iris/iris.shp', 'IRIS', 'ogr') # Open layers project.addMapLayer(peaks) project.addMapLayer(glaciers) project.addMapLayer(eau) project.addMapLayer(troncons_routes) project.addMapLayer(iris) iface.mapCanvas().refresh()
Open OSM
(Attention to the &)
project = QgsProject.instance() urlWithParams = "type=xyz&url={z}/{x}/{y}.png" osm = QgsRasterLayer(urlWithParams, "OpenStreetMap", "wms") project.addMapLayer(osm) osm.setOpacity(0.75) iface.mapCanvas().refresh()
As we open OSM, which use a specific projection (3857), better to define and force the projection of the project, and the ellipsoid:
project = QgsProject.instance() ... crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem.fromEpsgId(4326) project.setCrs(crs) project.setEllipsoid('EPSG:4326')
Open a Geojson
Or a GML...
myPath = r'C:\\Users\\georg\\Downloads\\' project = QgsProject.instance() eau = QgsVectorLayer(myPath + 'MyGeoJson.geojson', 'Rivières', 'ogr') project.addMapLayer(eau)
Open a Geojson online
iface.addVectorLayer('', 'Populated places', 'ogr')
Change a layer's encoding
myLayer = QgsVectorLayer(r'C:/Users/Georges/Downloads/my layer/', new_file, 'ogr') myLayer.setProviderEncoding('ISO-8859-1')
Open a CSV
csv_path = 'file:///' + myPath + 'World Stats.csv?delimiter=;' my_csv = QgsVectorLayer(csv_path, 'Countries', 'delimitedtext') project.addMapLayer(my_csv)